Are You Battling Crisis Fatigue? These Resources Can Help.
Recently I came across the term “crisis fatigue” with an immediate sense of recognition. I have to say, it felt so great putting a label on what I felt I had gone through during the past few years. As an HR professional tackling 24/7 demands through the height of the pandemic, I know how this crisis affected me. I suspect I’m not alone in experiencing a deep sense of fatigue. I wanted to share the resources I found to address crisis fatigue and help me come out on the other side of it.
The pandemic was a perfect storm for crisis fatigue
My personality is just to run and keep running. Sound familiar? As I was running in crisis mode from one day to the next, the very last thing I was doing was taking care of myself. There wasn’t time. I ran until I was a complete mess and basically hit the wall. That’s when I realized I needed help to get out of crisis mode. I found resources that helped me navigate through my crisis fatigue and I wanted to share them with you.
Three resources I used to navigate through crisis fatigue
I am a big believer in asking for help when I need it. I reached out to my network and was lucky enough to be connected to Anastasia Galka. Anastasia is a stress and resiliency speaker and coach. As I worked with her, we realized sleep was almost nonexistent in my life. Learning how to set myself up for success during the day and sound sleep at night was a game changer. Anastasia provided me with tools to improve my sleep habits and showed me what to do when I woke at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep. She also got me back into journaling, an activity that has always been a passion of mine. In the midst of the pandemic, I’d completely lost sight of this valuable coping mechanism.
My network also includes Brad Lantz, a certified Mind Health Coach, and leader in Mindfulness and Meditation. Brad teaches mental fitness to achieve greater focus, reduce stress, and facilitate greater performance. He taught me about T.I.M.E. and helped me with guided meditation. If you want to know the secret to T.I.M.E., Brad is the resource you need.
The third resource in my crisis fatigue solution was Scott Mikesh. Scott teaches brain health, mental function, and neurodiversity to promote achievement and well-being. I am so excited about the mental fitness journey we are taking together.
There is opportunity in every crisis
These three resources have supported me in navigating the stresses of the past few years. With their help, I’m establishing better habits and learning valuable new coping skills that will help me to be that much stronger as I move forward.
We were all in the same boat through the pandemic, even if the personal storms along our journey were our own. Managing crisis fatigue and finding a new normal is the challenge for each of us. I am grateful for the village of people that I have around me. Their patience and support have helped me to take care of myself and look forward to the future from a position of strength.
If you want to tap into my village, they are eager to help.
Links providing more information about my resources: